TRIED & TESTED: Covergirl - Lash Blast Fusion

CoverGirl Lash Blast Fusion Mascara | Beauty Review |

When I’m asked about my favourite brand for mascara, my answer is always Covergirl. It’s affordable, it’s effective and the bright orange Lash Blast is in my all-time top 3. But what about the Lash Blast Fusion?

The words ‘Easy. Breezy. Covergirl.‘ have been imprinted into my brain ever since my sisters and I watched America’s Next Top Model when we were younger. While Tyra Banks was teaching all of this to smize, my affinity with the brand grew stronger. A couple of years later, my sister brought me my first Lash Blast home from her internship in Washington. Since then, I’ve always had a Covergirl mascara stashed away somewhere.


The product

Since I love the original Lash Blast so much, I decided to try the Lash Blast Fusion. It’s marketed as a ‘supersizing fiberstretch mascara formula‘. To be fair: it’s not that different from the original Lash Blast. It comes in a bright purple tube, but the wand pretty much looks te same. The effect is similar, too.


The review

Covergirl’s Lash Blast Fusion has a bulky, comb-like wand that doesn’t look like it will work in your outer corners, but it does. It manages to grip every lash from bottom to top and coats it in a jet-black layer of product. It holds well throughout the day and even survives some light Netflix-induced crying.

The formula is a bit thicker than the original Lash Blast, giving you more volume but also some extra clumps. I let these dry and just take them off with my fingertips and it looks fine. It’s not the most voluminous formula I’ve tried, but it’s a good option for everyday use. Because of the extra clumps, I don’t prefer this one over the original Lash Blast.

The price

Lash Blast Fusion mascara by Covergirl retails for about $ 6. If you’re Belgium, you can find it in selected Delhaizes for € 10,89.

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Until next time,


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5 thoughts on “TRIED & TESTED: Covergirl - Lash Blast Fusion

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